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Stendhal's Vertigo

Author/Director Alexis Taillant
Producer Wendigo Films
Country France, Belgium, Italy
Length 52'
Year 2015

Franco, Joanna, Audrey, Lia and Philippe were all stricken by brutal and unexplained uneasiness in front of some artworks during a trip to Florence, Paris or Barcelona. They tell their story: What happened? Sunstroke? Drop in blood pressure? Loss of bearings?
An investigation begins... Graziella Magherini, a psychiatrist in Florence, comes back to questions that obsessed her while she was trying to solve this modern day suffering with her patients: Travel sickness? Disorder linked with places haunted by History, FEAR OF BEAUTY, ART PAIN?
A mysterious and breathtaking investigation revealing the STENDHAL SYNDROME!


Public screening

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Available on VOD

The full lenght video is available on Vimeo On Demand